7 September 1979 Maintain Your Image: A Procurement Perspective
James L. Shatzel
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Proceedings Volume 0181, Contemporary Optical Systems and Components Specifications; (1979)
Event: Technical Symposium East, 1979, Washington, D.C., United States
The objectives of the engineers and procurement organizations are identical: "Get me the best part for the best price and on the best schedule." Implicit in this statement is the need for early com-munication among the engineer, procurement organization and the manufacturer. Inevitably, the discussions will center on specifications of components, subassemblies or total systems. The specification of optical components is frequently difficult to relate directly to the total system performance. Significant difficulties also arise with component specifications which may be subjective, and cannot be easily quantized for their effect on the performance of the system. In addition, the subjective specification for optical components or subsystems may have the greatest impact on cost and schedule, as well as being a determining factor for being able to successfully enter into high-rate production fabrication. It is not intended that the engineer should compromise system performance for simplicity of fabrication. However, it must be understood that the "best part" may not be necessary to achieve the desired goal.
© (1979) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James L. Shatzel "Maintain Your Image: A Procurement Perspective", Proc. SPIE 0181, Contemporary Optical Systems and Components Specifications, (7 September 1979);
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