1 May 1994 Design requirements and system payoffs for an on-board structural health monitoring system (SHMS)
Craig B. Van Way, Constantine Marantidis, Jayanth N. Kudva, Mark N. West
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To optimize military fleet readiness, life cycle tracking of aircraft is required under the Air Force Aircraft Structural Integrity Program. Improvements in aircraft inspection and maintenance procedures are essential in today's climate of increasingly complex aircraft and decreasing defense outlays, forcing life extension programs for current aircraft. Automated structural health monitoring incorporating remote damage detection, load/environment tracking, and structural integrity assessment could provide significant cost savings over the life of an airframe. This paper presents the design requirements for development of an aircraft structural health monitoring system (SHMS). Design of a SHMS requires careful analysis of structural geometry, operational environment, expected damage modes, etc., to determine sensor categories and locations. Additionally, the task of integrating data collection, processing, and storage hardware into the airframe must be addressed. Sensors and sensing technologies are discussed along with specific requirements for monitoring system hardware and software. Anticipated life cycle savings versus implementation costs are also presented for the ideal SHMS.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Craig B. Van Way, Constantine Marantidis, Jayanth N. Kudva, and Mark N. West "Design requirements and system payoffs for an on-board structural health monitoring system (SHMS)", Proc. SPIE 2191, Smart Structures and Materials 1994: Smart Sensing, Processing, and Instrumentation, (1 May 1994); Logo
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Structural health monitoring

Data storage

Acoustic emission

Data acquisition


Fiber optics sensors

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