4 October 1994 Grid patterns in high-Z material for x-ray and gamma-ray collimation and modulation to achieve imaging
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For the imaging of X-rays and gamma-rays above the energy of about 10 keV (wavelength shorter than 0.12 nanometer) lenses or mirrors cannot be used. For future X-ray and gamma- ray imaging instruments, configurations of patterns of slits and detectors are proposed where, with the help of Fourier analyses of the observed temporal and spatial radiation modulation, images can be composed with a spatial resolution in the arcsecond domain. The patterns of slits, called `grids', are difficult to realize because of the small slit width and the severe requirements on the slit position, given the required thickness of the material. Now these patterns of slits can be made, it has sense to investigate what other instruments or products could make use of this grid manufacturing technique. First of all, this paper describes in short the method of grid manufacturing dealt with here and the most significant characteristics of these grids. The technique allows for the manufacturing of similar grids, with other slit width, slit mutual distance, slit viewing direction, etc. The second part of this paper suggests some possible applications of grids that could be made with the same technique, for the field of medicine, crystallography and other fields. These suggestions may initiate other applications, not yet thought of.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
H. Frank van Beek "Grid patterns in high-Z material for x-ray and gamma-ray collimation and modulation to achieve imaging", Proc. SPIE 2270, NASA/SPIE Conference on Spin-Off Technologies from NASA for Commercial Sensors and Scientific Applications, (4 October 1994);
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X-ray imaging


Gamma radiation

Optics manufacturing


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