18 August 1980 Source limitations In Scanned Projection Radiography
L Lehmann, W Brody, A Macovski, B. Strul, F DiBianca, N. Pelc
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Proceedings Volume 0233, Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine VIII; (1980)
Event: Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine VIII, 1980, Las Vegas, United States
Line-scanned projection radiographic systems provide improved detection of low contrast objects by reducing scattered radiation and through the use of wide dynamic range detectors. However, because of the narrow source collimation required for line scanning, the maximum photon flux achievable with scanned radiography is limited. Experiments have been conducted to determine the relationship between source collimation, radiation dose, spatial resolution, and low contrast detectability using a General Electric CT/T 8800 computed tomographic scanner modified for scanned projection radiography. A contrast/detail phantom was scanned using three different source collimators and at different radiation exposures. Because the source collimation influences both the photon flux and spatial resolution, optimal collimation will depend upon the subject thickness and desired contrast and spatial resolution. Results are presented to show these tradeoffs as well as compare the performance of scanned projection radiography to conventional film radiography.
© (1980) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
L Lehmann, W Brody, A Macovski, B. Strul, F DiBianca, and N. Pelc "Source limitations In Scanned Projection Radiography", Proc. SPIE 0233, Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine VIII, (18 August 1980);
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