16 September 1980 Integration Of Thin-Film Coatings Into Optical Systems
John Matteucci, Philip Baumeister
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Proceedings Volume 0237, 1980 International Lens Design Conference; (1980)
Event: 1980 International Lens Design Conference, 1980, Oakland, United States
These remarks are directed to professional lens designers, optical systems engineers and fabricators. You are the thoroughly capable experts who configure and construct optical systems that image superbly over vast areas. Many of the systems contain optical coatings that perform some of the functions shown in Figure 1. They serve to enhance the radiant reflectance of a surface, to reduce the Fresnel losses to low values, to alter the state of polarization of the flux, to divide beams into various channels, or to isolate some part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Figure 2 depicts a procedure that is sometimes used to select coatings. Here they are not specified until after the optical system design is frozen. In essence, coatings are allocated the same level of importance as the shade of paint on the exterior of the instrument. Not infrequently disaster lurks in this approach because the coatings are unattainable or they impact the optical system in some unexpected manner. The strategy shown in Figure 3 is safer. Here, the coating selection is integrated into the optical design. If the coatings are difficult (and, hence, costly) to produce, then compromises are investigated that lessen the overall cost of the system.
© (1980) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
John Matteucci and Philip Baumeister "Integration Of Thin-Film Coatings Into Optical Systems", Proc. SPIE 0237, 1980 International Lens Design Conference, (16 September 1980); Logo
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Optical coatings


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