19 September 1995 Automation in semiconductor production minienvironments, flexibility and information flow
Ralf Dudde, Peter Staudt-Fischbach, Olaf Herzog
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The productivity of semiconductor fabs can be improved significantly by the combined action of several measures: Usage of expensive resources only at the point of use, like limiting the generation of a particlefree clean room environment to the immediate surrounding of wafers and wafer processed by usage of mini-environments and SMIF-wafer capsulation. Improvement of the logistic and material flow by an appropriate computer control system in the production line especially for a flexible IC- production. With its new Institute of Silicon Technology (ISiT) in Itzehoe the Fraunhofer-Society for applied research is now realizing an advanced CMOS pilot-line starting with a 0.5 (mu) process that is dedicated from the very beginning for an optimum in flexibility, productivity and lowest running costs. The complete concept for mini- environments, SMIF upgrade of the equipment and production control software was developed in a cooperation between the Fraunhofer institutes for Silicon Technology (ISiT) and Production automation (IPA). The Jenoptic, Jena, was chosen as supplier of SMIF components, mini-environments and identification software. The Line-Information- System, which operates as a low-cost manufacturing execution system, has been developed by the Fraunhofer-IPA using a central database system and client applications to access it. It tracks the actual work in progress in the fab, maintains equipment and lot history and allows production and cost monitoring and optimization.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ralf Dudde, Peter Staudt-Fischbach, and Olaf Herzog "Automation in semiconductor production minienvironments, flexibility and information flow", Proc. SPIE 2637, Process, Equipment, and Materials Control in Integrated Circuit Manufacturing, (19 September 1995);
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