26 August 1996 Near-diffraction-limited excimer laser beam from a XeCl POPA system
Sarah Bollanti, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Francesco Flora, Gualtiero Giordano, Tommaso Letardi, Daniele Murra, C. Petrucci, Giovanni Schina, Olivier P. Uteza, Cheng En Zheng
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Proceedings Volume 2788, High-Power Lasers: Gas and Solid State Lasers; (1996)
Event: Lasers, Optics, and Vision for Productivity in Manufacturing I, 1996, Besancon, France
We present the results of a compact three-electrode XeCl laser operated in a power oscillator-power amplifier (POPA) configuration with transverse mode selection. The smaller of two laser heads is an oscillator, equipped with a generalized self-filtering unstable resonator (GSFUR). The oscillator output beam has an energy of 9 mJ in a 75 ns FWHM pulse and is only 1.1 times over its diffraction limit. The single-pass amplified beam has an output energy of 90 mJ in a pulse 85 ns long and, with a times diffraction limit (TDL) equal to 1.6, reaches a brightness of 3 (DOT) 1014 Wcm-2ster-1. Operating the laser at low repetition rate (1 Hz), the beam pointing stability (BPS) of both oscillator and amplifier output beams has been measured. The angular fluctuations of the focused beams are each within 1/6 of their own total beam divergence.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sarah Bollanti, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Francesco Flora, Gualtiero Giordano, Tommaso Letardi, Daniele Murra, C. Petrucci, Giovanni Schina, Olivier P. Uteza, and Cheng En Zheng "Near-diffraction-limited excimer laser beam from a XeCl POPA system", Proc. SPIE 2788, High-Power Lasers: Gas and Solid State Lasers, (26 August 1996);
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