28 July 1997 Rapid SAR target modeling through genetic inheritance mechanism
Jerzy Bala, Peter W. Pachowicz, Halleh Vafaie
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The paper presents a methodology and GETP experimental system for rapid SAR target signature generation from limited initial sensory data. The methodology exploits and integrates the following four processes: (1) analysis of initial SAR image signatures and their transformation into higher-level blob representation, (2) blob modeling, (3) genetic inheritance modeling to generate new instances of a target model in blob representation, and (4) synthesis of new SAR signatures from genetically evolved blob data. The GETP system takes several SAR signatures of the target and transforms each signature into more general scattered blob graphs, where each blob represents local energy cluster. A single graph node is describe by blob relative position, confidence, and iconic data. Graph data is forwarded to the genetic modeling process while blob image is stored in a catalog. Genetic inheritance is applied to the initial population of graph data. New graph models of the target are generated and evaluated. Selected graph variations are forwarded to the synthesis process. The synthesis process restores target signature from a given graph and a catalog of blobs. The background is synthesized to complement the signature. Initial experimental results are illustrated with 64 X 32 image sections of a tank.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jerzy Bala, Peter W. Pachowicz, and Halleh Vafaie "Rapid SAR target modeling through genetic inheritance mechanism", Proc. SPIE 3070, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery IV, (28 July 1997); Logo
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Data modeling

Image processing


Synthetic aperture radar

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