2 November 1998 Blood fluorescence spectrum affected by He-Ne laser
Rong Chen, Buhong Li, Jin Kai Chen, Wenqin Yang, Shusen Xie, Su-Di Weng, Yanjiao Chen
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Proceedings Volume 3344, 1997 Shanghai International Conference on Laser Medicine and Surgery; (1998)
Event: 1997 Shanghai International Conference on Laser Medicine and Surgery, 1997, Shanghai, China
OMA-III system is used to detect the change of human blood fluorescence spectrum affected by 632.8nm He-Ne laser. The result shows: 3 peaks emerge in this spectrum at near 670nm, 730nm, and 981nm for different types of blood. Within the limits, fluorescence intensity changes linearly with laser power. The fluorescence intensities at the spots of the three peaks decrease with time lasting, and become stable 8 minutes laser. During laser irradiating, the positions of three peaks shift differently for different types of blood. However, there is competition between the peaks of 670nm and 730nm at the same time.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rong Chen, Buhong Li, Jin Kai Chen, Wenqin Yang, Shusen Xie, Su-Di Weng, and Yanjiao Chen "Blood fluorescence spectrum affected by He-Ne laser", Proc. SPIE 3344, 1997 Shanghai International Conference on Laser Medicine and Surgery, (2 November 1998);
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Helium neon lasers

Laser irradiation

Laser therapeutics


Medical research


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