3 July 1998 Advances in the archiving and distribution facilities at the Space Telescope Science Institute
Robert James Hanisch, Marc Postman, Joseph Pollizzi, J. Richon
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The Hubble Data Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute contains over 4.3 TB of data, primarily for the Hubble Space Telescope, but also from complementary space- based and ground-based facilities. We are in the process of upgrading and generalizing many of the HDA's component system, developing tools to provide more integrated access to the HDA holdings, and working with other major data providing organizations to implement global data location services for astronomy and other space science disciplines. This paper describes the key elements of our archiving and data distribution systems, including a planned transition to DVD media, data compression, data segregation, on-the-fly calibration, an engineering data warehouse, and distributed search and retrieval facilities.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert James Hanisch, Marc Postman, Joseph Pollizzi, and J. Richon "Advances in the archiving and distribution facilities at the Space Telescope Science Institute", Proc. SPIE 3349, Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific Return, (3 July 1998);
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Data archive systems


Space telescopes

Data centers

Digital video discs

Hubble Space Telescope

Data compression


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