4 September 1998 Performance bounds for matched field processing in subsurface object detection applications
Adnan Sahin, Eric L. Miller
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In recent years there has been considerable interest in the use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) for the non-invasive detection and localization of buried objects. In a previous work, we have considered the use of high resolution array processing methods for solving these problems for measurement geometries in which an array of electromagnetic receivers observes the fields scattered by the subsurface targets in response to a plane wave illumination. Our approach uses the MUSIC algorithm in a matched field processing (MFP) scheme to determine both the range and the bearing of the objects. In this paper we derive the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRB) for this MUSIC-based approach analytically. Analysis of the theoretical CRB has shown that there exists an optimum inter-element spacing of array elements for which the CRB is minimum. Furthermore, the optimum inter-element spacing minimizing CRB is smaller than the conventional half wavelength criterion. The theoretical bounds are then verified for two estimators using Monte-Carlo simulations. The first estimator is the MUSIC-based MFP and the second one is the maximum likelihood based MFP. The two approaches differ in the cost functions they optimize. We observe that Monte-Carlo simulated error variances always lie above the values established by CRB. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our MUSIC-based algorithm in the presence of model mismatches. Since the detection algorithm strongly depends on the model used, we have tested the performance of the algorithm when the object radius used in the model is different from the true radius. This analysis reveals that the algorithm is still capable of localizing the objects with a bias depending on the degree of mismatch.
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Adnan Sahin and Eric L. Miller "Performance bounds for matched field processing in subsurface object detection applications", Proc. SPIE 3392, Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets III, (4 September 1998); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Signal to noise ratio

Monte Carlo methods

Detection and tracking algorithms

Performance modeling

Error analysis

Array processing

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