9 October 1998 Disassembly problem in rapid prototyping
Rammohan K. Ragade, Ilkka T. Ikonen, James E. Lewis, William E. Biles, Anup Kumar
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Proceedings Volume 3517, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing; (1998)
Event: Photonics East (ISAM, VVDC, IEMB), 1998, Boston, MA, United States
Multiple parts can be built simultaneously in one RP cycle, reducing significantly the build time for clients--an important issue for time compression technologies. Common to all the RP approaches is that they are based on sliced 3D, solid CAD-model, and they all add material layer by layer on the part being built. As in any manufacturing process, batch formation is important for increased production. Concurrently with rapid prototyping, a critical issue is the need for disassembly or unpacking of the job mix of multiple parts, after the rapid prototyping cycle. Ikonen et. al. have discussed a bin-packing algorithm based on a genetic algorithm, called GARP. In GARP, the CAD-files of the job mixes are used to evaluate the potential for being packed into the RP production volume. This paper addresses the generic unpacking issues for the SLS and other related RP technologies. The paper suggests an object-oriented framework for the development of heuristics and algorithms for evaluating the quality of packing obtained by GARP for the unpacking problem.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rammohan K. Ragade, Ilkka T. Ikonen, James E. Lewis, William E. Biles, and Anup Kumar "Disassembly problem in rapid prototyping", Proc. SPIE 3517, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, (9 October 1998);
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Rapid manufacturing

Algorithm development

Genetic algorithms

Laser sintering



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