23 June 1999 Light beams with minimal energy divergence in the near-field area
Danil A. Kirsanov, Sergei A. Kozlov
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The transverse size of a beam is defined as the cross- section size containing the certain part (sigma) of the full energy of the whole beam. It has been proved that under such definition the form of a beam with a given size and maximum length of waist is not Gaussian. The beam with radial symmetry and the maximal length of the waist synthesized as superposition of orthogonal Gaussian modes with the use of Chebyshev polynomials. The intensity transverse distributions are found first for all certain parts of energy 0 < (sigma) < 1. It is shown that intensity distributions are smooth enough while four-five lowest Gaussian modes are used and depends considerably upon value of fixed energy share.
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Danil A. Kirsanov and Sergei A. Kozlov "Light beams with minimal energy divergence in the near-field area", Proc. SPIE 3609, Optical Pulse and Beam Propagation, (23 June 1999);
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Near field


Beam propagation method

Bessel beams

Gaussian beams

Laser beam propagation

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