28 December 1998 Adaptive optimal quantization for 3D mesh representation in the spherical coordinate system
Jeong-Hwan Ahn, Yo-Sung Ho
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Proceedings Volume 3653, Visual Communications and Image Processing '99; (1998)
Event: Electronic Imaging '99, 1999, San Jose, CA, United States
In recent days, applications using 3D models are increasing. Since the 3D model contains a huge amount of information, compression of the 3D model data is necessary for efficient storage or transmission. In this paper, we propose an adaptive encoding scheme to compress the geometry information of the 3D model. Using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm, the encoder first predicts vertex positions along a vertex spanning tree. After each prediction error is normalized, the prediction error vector of each vertex point is represented in the spherical coordinate system (r,(theta) ,(phi) ). Each r is then quantizes by an optimal uniform quantizer. A pair of each ((theta) ,(phi) ) is also successively encoded by partitioning the surface of the sphere according to the quantized value of r. The proposed scheme demonstrates improved coding efficiency by exploiting the statistical properties of r and ((theta) ,(phi) ).
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeong-Hwan Ahn and Yo-Sung Ho "Adaptive optimal quantization for 3D mesh representation in the spherical coordinate system", Proc. SPIE 3653, Visual Communications and Image Processing '99, (28 December 1998);
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3D modeling


Data modeling

Spherical lenses

Computer programming

Error analysis


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