11 July 2000 Conduction mechanisms in undoped polycrystalline diamond films
Hsueh-Tao Chou, Chia-Chang Lee, Chia-Hsin Sun
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The unadopted polycrystalline diamond films are deposited on p-type silicon substrates by a microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) system. The deposition conditions are CH4?/H(subscript 2=0.5%, pressure equals 45 torr, power equals 2.2kW, and subtract temperature equals 885 degree(s)C. SEM was used to inspect the surface morphology, Raman Spectroscopy to determine the quality, and XPS to analyze the chemical composition. It in concluded that a cleaning procedure on diamond surfaces can eliminate the carbon phase but enhance the oxygenation on the films. The electrical characteristics were investigated by current-voltage-temperature measurements in a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure with top metal contacts and back silicon substrates contacts. It can be found a transition electric field of 240 kV/cm, where Schottky emission (SE) mechanism is responsible for electric conduction below 240kV/cm, and Poole-Frenkel transport (PF) mechanism dominates beyond 240 kV/cm. By the extrapolations, the Schottky barrier height of silver and diamond film is 2.4 eV, and the tarp depth is 4.75 eV in the diamond film.
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Hsueh-Tao Chou, Chia-Chang Lee, and Chia-Hsin Sun "Conduction mechanisms in undoped polycrystalline diamond films", Proc. SPIE 4078, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices II, (11 July 2000);
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Chemical analysis

Raman spectroscopy

Scanning electron microscopy


Chemical vapor deposition

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