28 November 2000 HERO: high-energy replicated optics for a hard-x-ray balloon payload
Brian D. Ramsey, Cheryl D. Alexander, Jeff A. Apple, Robert A. Austin, C. M. Benson, Kurtis L. Dietz, Ronald F. Elsner, Darell E. Engelhaupt, Jeffery J. Kolodziejczak, Stephen L. O'Dell, Chet O. Speegle, Douglas A. Swartz, Martin C. Weisskopf, G. Zirnstein
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We are developing high-energy grazing-incidence optics for a balloon-borne hard-x-ray telescope. When completed the instrument, termed HERO for High Energy Replicated Optics, will have 200 cm2 effective collecting area at 40 keV and <EQ 30 arcsec angular resolution. The payload will offer unprecedented sensitivity in the hard-x-ray region, with milliCrab level sensitivity on a one-day balloon flight and 100 microCrab on an ultra-long-duration flight. While the full science payload is scheduled for flight in 2002, an engineering/proving flight is currently awaiting launch. This flight, consisting of just two mirror modules, each containing three nested shells above a pair of gas scintillation proportional counter focal plane detectors, is intended to test a newly designed gondola pointing and aspect system and to examine the stability of optical bench designs. This paper provides an overview of the HERO program.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Brian D. Ramsey, Cheryl D. Alexander, Jeff A. Apple, Robert A. Austin, C. M. Benson, Kurtis L. Dietz, Ronald F. Elsner, Darell E. Engelhaupt, Jeffery J. Kolodziejczak, Stephen L. O'Dell, Chet O. Speegle, Douglas A. Swartz, Martin C. Weisskopf, and G. Zirnstein "HERO: high-energy replicated optics for a hard-x-ray balloon payload", Proc. SPIE 4138, X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions IV, (28 November 2000); Logo
Cited by 12 scholarly publications.
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HERO program status and first images from a balloon...
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