An XML-based application was developed, allowing to access multimedia/radiological data over a network and to visualize them in an integrated way within a standard web browser. Four types of data are considered: radiological images, the corresponding speech and text files produced by the radiologist, and administrative data concerning the study (patient name, radiologist's name, date, etc.). Although these different types of data are typically stored on different file systems, their relationship (e.g., image file X corresponds to speech file Y) is described in a global relational database. The administrative data are referred to in an XML file, while links between the corresponding images, speech, and text files (e.g., links between limited text fragments within the text tile, the corresponding fragment in the speech file, and the corresponding subset of images) are described as well. Users are able to access all data through a web browser by submitting a form-based request to the server. By using scripting technology, a HTML document containing all data is produced on the fly, which can be presented within the browser of the user. Our application was tested for a real set of clinical data, and it was proven that the goals that were defined above are realized.