1 June 2001 Hypothalamus warming for ischemia protection
B. Stuart Trembly, P. Jack Hoopes D.V.M., Karen L. Moodie, Gary A. Carson, Marc E. Voorhees, Jack A. Boulant
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An emerging neuroprotectant therapy for stroke is mild hypothermia, defined as reducing core temperature by 2-4 °C for 24-48 hours. However, patients must be anesthetized to overcome their thermoregulatory response, resulting in complications and an inability to assess their developing condition. We are designing a system to treat awake patients by warming the preoptic anterior hypothalamus (POAH) using microwave energy. The POAH acts as a thermostat, and warming has been shown in animals to elicit core and brain temperature reductions. A catheter containing a directional antenna will be placed in the nasal cavity proximate to the POAH and will warm it 2 °C through absorption of microwave energy. An integrated surface cooling system will increase the distance from the catheter at which tissue temperature is elevated. This revolutionary method could provide physicians with a minimally invasive means of improving the outcome of patients suffering brain ischemia due to stroke. In this paper, will describe the theoretical prediction of temperature distribution as well as the initial evaluation of the applicator in a pig model.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
B. Stuart Trembly, P. Jack Hoopes D.V.M., Karen L. Moodie, Gary A. Carson, Marc E. Voorhees, and Jack A. Boulant "Hypothalamus warming for ischemia protection", Proc. SPIE 4247, Thermal Treatment of Tissue: Energy Delivery and Assessment, (1 June 2001); Logo
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Microwave radiation


Body temperature


Temperature metrology


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