30 May 2001 Time-resolved 2D pulsed elastography: experiments on tissue-equivalent phantoms and breast in vivo
Laurent Sandrin, Mickael Tanter, Stefan Catheline, Mathias Fink
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Time-resolved 2D Pulsed Elastography is a new elastographic technique for imaging the shear modulus of soft tissues. A low-frequency transient shear wave is sent in the medium while an ultra-fast ultrasonic imaging system acquires frames at a very high frame rate (up to 10,000 frames/s). This ultra-fast ultrasonic imaging system has been specifically developed for this application. It is based on a time-reversal mirror of 128 channels sampled at 50 MHz and having 2 Mbytes random access memory. Displacements induced by the slowly propagating shear wave are measured using the standard cross-correlation technique. The low-frequency excitation is obtained with a device composed of two rods that are placed around the ultrasonic transducer linear array. The rods vibrate perpendicularly to the surface of the tissues. They may be either parallel or perpendicular to the active surface of the array. With this device, large amplitude displacements are observed in the ultrasonic image area. We have measured the spatio- temporal evolution of the displacements induced by the low- frequency (20-100 Hz) shear wave in tissue-equivalent phantoms and breast in-vivo. A direct local inversion is used to recover the shear modulus distribution map in phantoms containing hard regions.
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Laurent Sandrin, Mickael Tanter, Stefan Catheline, and Mathias Fink "Time-resolved 2D pulsed elastography: experiments on tissue-equivalent phantoms and breast in vivo", Proc. SPIE 4325, Medical Imaging 2001: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, (30 May 2001); Logo
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