21 November 2001 Morphological processor for image applications and its implementation using GaAs technology
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Proceedings Volume 4591, Electronics and Structures for MEMS II; (2001)
Event: International Symposium on Microelectronics and MEMS, 2001, Adelaide, Australia
Mathematical Morphology appears as a theory that can solve some drawbacks of the classical lineal image processing. Linear filters generate a spatial distortion from initial image, what gives as a result that specific algorithms are usually needed for each process with a complexity that can not be implemented in VLSI systems for Real Time Image Processing. Mathematical Morphology is an alternative method to overcome the inherent drawbacks of the linear processing based on the comparison of an initial image with some well known geometric figures. In this paper we present the implementation of a specific processor that computes Mathematical Morphology (MM) basic operations. Using a clock frequency of 250 MHz this processor is able to handle real time 512x512 pixels video images. Mathematical Morphology allows the nonlinear processing of images and it is based on Dilation and Erosion operations using a geometric figure called Structural Elements (SE). More complex image processing can be performed using these basic operations. In this implementation the structural element of 3x3 pixels was chosen. 0.6micrometers HgaAsIV standard cells technology, from Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation, has been used achieving a logic level gate description with the possibility of migration to another technologies.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Francisco Gonzalez, Oscar Tubio, Felix Tobajas, Valentin de Armas, Roberto Esper-Chain, and Roberto Sarmiento "Morphological processor for image applications and its implementation using GaAs technology", Proc. SPIE 4591, Electronics and Structures for MEMS II, (21 November 2001);
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Image processing

Mathematical morphology

Signal processing

Gallium arsenide

Computer architecture

Video processing



Direct video acquisition by digital signal processors
Proceedings of SPIE (August 12 1992)
Real time image processing system
Proceedings of SPIE (February 19 2008)
VLSI Architectures For Block Matching Algorithms
Proceedings of SPIE (October 25 1988)
High-speed DSP low-light-level video processing system
Proceedings of SPIE (August 30 2002)

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