5 February 2003 Survey of motion estimation techniques for video compression
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The introduction of new, more powerful personal computers and workstations has ushered in a new era of computing. New machines are now capable of supporting full-motion video. The problem of video compression is a difficult and important one, and has inspired a great deal of research and development activity. A number of video compression techniques and standards have been introduced in the past few years, particularly MPEG for interactive multimedia and for digital NTSC and HDTV applications, and H.261/H.263 for video telecommunications. These techniques use motion estimation techniques to reduce the amount of data that is stored and transmitted for each frame of video. This paper is about these motion estimation techniques, their implementations, their complexity, advantages, and drawbacks. An overview of the MPEG video compression standard is first presented with an emphasis on how it utilizes motion compensation to achieve its high compression gains. Then a survey of current motion estimation techniques is presented, including the exhaustive search and a number of fast block-based search algorithms.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marc Chriqui and Purnendu Sinha "Survey of motion estimation techniques for video compression", Proc. SPIE 4796, Low-Light-Level and Real-Time Imaging Systems, Components, and Applications, (5 February 2003); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Video compression

Motion estimation


Standards development

Optical flow

Video coding

3D modeling


New technique for motion estimation to be used in MPEG...
Proceedings of SPIE (October 05 2001)
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The H.264/MPEG4 advanced video coding
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