14 July 2003 Land cover mapping and its validation for the northwest of China using SPOT Vegetation data
Ling Lu, Xin Li, Qinghan Dong, Else Swinnen, Frank Veroustraete
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An accurate land cover mapping is a prerequisite to run all biospheric models. In this paper, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) time-series of data sets derived from 1-km SPOT/VEGETATION products were used to compile the land cover map of northwest China. The unsupervised classification technique of ISODATA was applied to classify the land cover classification system. With the assumption of the 1:100000 land use map of northwest China interpreted from TM images as the truth, the accuracy of the SPOT/VEGETATION land cover map was evaluated by validating 47 sampling units randomly selected in the whole mapping region. Each sample is a square unit of 25km´25km. The validation results showed an approving accuracy of the land cover map of northwest China. In addition, the combination of NDVI and NDWI vegetation indexes is an effective method on large regional land cover mapping. Meanwhile, three major problems are addressed for explaining the reasons that influence the accuracy of land cover mapping in this region
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Ling Lu, Xin Li, Qinghan Dong, Else Swinnen, and Frank Veroustraete "Land cover mapping and its validation for the northwest of China using SPOT Vegetation data", Proc. SPIE 4890, Ecosystems Dynamics, Ecosystem-Society Interactions, and Remote Sensing Applications for Semi-Arid and Arid Land, (14 July 2003); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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