20 January 2003 High-resolution maskless lithography by the integration of micro-optics and point array technique
Kin Foong Chan, Zhiqiang Feng, Ren Yang, Wenhui Mei
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Proceedings Volume 4985, MOEMS Display and Imaging Systems; (2003)
Event: Micromachining and Microfabrication, 2003, San Jose, CA, United States
An innovative High Resolution Maskless Lithography System (Hi-Res MLS) was designed using Texas Instruments’ SVGA DMD, which employs additional micro-optics with a combination of low and high NA projection lens systems. A low power mercury-arc lamp filtered for G-line (λ = 435.8 nm) was used as the light source. Exposure experiments were performed using Ball patented Point Array scrolling or scanning method and proprietary data conversion, extraction and transfer software algorithms. In each scan, the field-width (W) was approximately 8.47 mm with the field-length (longitudinal field) only limited by memory capacity. DMD frame rates of up to 5 kHz (kframe/s) were achievable, which were synchronized to the stage motion. In this experiment, TSMR-8970XB10 photo-resist, diluted to 3.8 cP with PR thinner was employed. The photo-resist was spin-coated on a glass substrate to 1.0-μm thickness with 0.1-μm uniformity. A 0.4-μm step-size was used and 27000 DLP frames were extracted and transferred to the DMD driver. Results indicated consistent 1.8 μm L/S resolved across the entire field-width of 8.47 mm. At certain locales, 1.5-μm L/S was also resolved. The potential of this maskless lithography system is substantial. Even at the current level of performance, the system is sufficient for applications in MEMS, MOEMS, photomasking, high resolution LCD, high density PCB, etc. Higher productivity is predicted by lens system designed for H-line (λ = 405 nm), by using Ball’s violet diode laser systems, and the development of real-time driver.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kin Foong Chan, Zhiqiang Feng, Ren Yang, and Wenhui Mei "High-resolution maskless lithography by the integration of micro-optics and point array technique", Proc. SPIE 4985, MOEMS Display and Imaging Systems, (20 January 2003); Logo
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