9 July 2003 Microbending-induced loss of a photonic crystal fiber
Jinchae Kim, Dae Seung Moon, Joo Beom Eom, Un-Chul Paek, Byeong Ha Lee
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It is reported that the spectral loss of a photonic crystal fiber having a large hole-to-hole distance (~10 micron) is sensitive to micro- and macrobending on the fiber. For the macrobending experiment, the fiber was simply wound round a circular structure of known radius, which was reduced up to a few centimeters. As the bending radius was decreased, the transmission loss was increased. In terms of wavelength, the spectral loss was rather flat, which looked suitable for a wide-band fiber attenuator. For the microbending case, a series of regularly spaced silica rods was attached on a slide glass and pressed against the fiber by loading a series of metal plates of known mass on the glass. With this scheme, it was possible to induce periodic microbending on the photonic crystal fiber. The silica rods had the same diameter of a few hundred microns and spaced by about 500 micron. The bending loss was increased by adding the weight. The photonic crystal fiber having a large hole-to-hole distance was found to be highly sensitive to both microbending and macrobending when compared to the conventional single-mode fiber. In this paper, we will discuss the microbending effect on the photonic crystal fiber with various experimental conditions, such as the periodicity and the length of the microbend-inducing region.
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Jinchae Kim, Dae Seung Moon, Joo Beom Eom, Un-Chul Paek, and Byeong Ha Lee "Microbending-induced loss of a photonic crystal fiber", Proc. SPIE 5000, Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices, (9 July 2003); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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