9 July 2003 Transversal nondestructive test principle for photonic crystal fibers
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Photonic crystal fibers (PCF) exhibit many challenges with respect to production. One property of such fibers that make them more complicated than standard fibers is their cladding structure that consists of air holes. These holes are typically arranged in a periodic pattern formation. We propose a novel monitoring method for non-destructive and non-invasive characterization of hole diameter and hole spacing of such photonic cladding structures. This method is applicable simultaneously to drawing a fiber but also as an off-line non-destructive characterisation method. By transversal illumination of a crystal fiber with a white light source, a colourful diffraction pattern can be observed. Hue, saturation and intensity (HSI) analysis of this diffraction pattern reveals information about 1) density of the number of cladding holes present, 2) air hole diameter, and 3) air hole spacing. This HSI based measurement method does not give absolute values for the fiber parameters but is very applicable as a differential measurement technique sensitive to even minor changes in the cladding structure, and may, therefore, potentially serve as a sensitive monitoring method during fabcication of PCFs. We will present comparative results for various types of photonic crystal fibers.
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Thorkild Sorensen, Jesper Gluckstad, and Anders Bjarklev "Transversal nondestructive test principle for photonic crystal fibers", Proc. SPIE 5000, Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices, (9 July 2003);
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Photonic crystal fibers

Nondestructive evaluation

Structured optical fibers



Light sources

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