3 April 2003 A cloud retrieval algorithm for SCIAMACHY
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Proceedings Volume 5059, 12th International Workshop on Lidar Multiple Scattering Experiments; (2003)
Event: 12th International Workshop on Lidar Multiple Scattering Experiments, 2002, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
This study is devoted to the development of a semi-analytical algorithm for the determination of the otpical thickness, the liquid water path and the effective size of droplets from spectral measurements of the intensity of solar light reflected from water clouds with large optical thickness. The algorithm is planned to be aplied to the data fromteh Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography, launched on March 1st, 2002 on board of the ENVIronmental SATellite. The probability of photon absorption by droplets in the visible and near-IR spectral regions is low. This allows us to simplify and modify well known asymptotic equations of the radiative transfer theory, taking into account the fact that the single scattering albedo is close to one. Modified asymptotic equations are used to develop the inverse algorithm. We also avoid the use of the Mie theory, applying parameterization and geometrical optics results with account for wave corrections. The main advantage of the method proposed lays in the fact that the equations derived not only provide a valuable alternative to the numerical radiative transfer solution. They are also much more simple than equations of a conventional asymptotic theory. This simplicity allows both the simplication of the cloud retrieval algorithm and, even more important, insight into various factors involved in cloud retrieval schemes.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alexander A. Kokhanovsky, Wolfgang von Hoyningen-Huene, Vladimir V. Rozanov, Eleonora P. Zege, Heinrich Bovensmann, and John P. Burrows "A cloud retrieval algorithm for SCIAMACHY", Proc. SPIE 5059, 12th International Workshop on Lidar Multiple Scattering Experiments, (3 April 2003);
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Inverse optics


Radiative transfer


Algorithm development


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