6 August 2003 Volume holographic lenticular sheet for an optical direction modulator
Sang Woo Lee, Jung Sik Koo, Eun Soo Kim
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As a new approach to implement a function of the conventional lenticular sheet used in the autostereoscopic 3D display system, a VHLS (volume holographic lenticular sheet) is suggested. This VHLS is made by recording the MxN (M: number of view, N: number of window pitch) vertical stripe patterns on a volume holographic recording material using an angular multiplexing method. In the experiment, 4-view VHLS is manufactured by using a Dupont photopolymer (HRF-150-100) and then, a VHLS-based autostereoscopic 3D display system is implemented. 4-view strip patterns of 4 x 256 pixels are synthesized to be an image of 1024 x 768 pixels in GUI (graphic user interface) environment, in which the synthesized image consists of 256 pitches and each pitch is composed of 4 pixels. Then, each strip pattern is sequentially recorded in the photopolymer with the corresponding angular-multiplexed reference beams. Some experimenal results show that 4-view imge patterns are diffracted from a synthesized image through the VHLS and these beams are spatially separated each other on the screen, so that a possibility of implementing a new VHLS-based multiview autostereoscopic 3D display system is suggested.
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Sang Woo Lee, Jung Sik Koo, and Eun Soo Kim "Volume holographic lenticular sheet for an optical direction modulator", Proc. SPIE 5106, Optical Pattern Recognition XIV, (6 August 2003);
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3D displays

Spatial light modulators

Diffraction gratings

Volume holography

Image processing



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