30 March 2004 Analyzing characteristics of hybrid rice seed
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Proceedings Volume 5271, Monitoring Food Safety, Agriculture, and Plant Health; (2004)
Event: Optical Technologies for Industrial, Environmental, and Biological Sensing, 2003, Providence, RI, United States
Incompletely closed glumes, germ on panicle and disease are three characteristics of hybrid rice seed, which are actual reasons of poor seed quality. To find how many and which categories should be classified to meet the demand of produce actually, the effects of various degree of incompletely closed glumes, germ on panicle and disease on ratio of germination in changed storage periods were studied with standard germination rate test. An electronic scanning microscope was used for micro-observation and measurement. Then the possibility of automation inspection was tested with a machine vision system. The measures of increasing quality of hybrid rice seed were discussed in the paper at last. In the light of the periods of treatment and the classification of characteristics, difference steps should be taken. Before storage, Seeds with germ or severe disease should be rejected at first. Then seeds with incompletely closed glumes or spot disease might be stored separately for a shorter time in dried condition and treated with antisepsis before using for some special fields with lower quality demand. The seeds with fine fissure between glumes should be stored in a strictly controlled condition separately and inspected before use, just like other normal and healthy seeds.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fang Cheng and Yibin Ying "Analyzing characteristics of hybrid rice seed", Proc. SPIE 5271, Monitoring Food Safety, Agriculture, and Plant Health, (30 March 2004);
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