15 December 2003 System for Oriya handwritten numeral recognition
N. Tripathy, M. Panda, U. Pal
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Proceedings Volume 5296, Document Recognition and Retrieval XI; (2003)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2004, 2004, San Jose, California, United States
To take care of variability involved in the writing style of different individuals, a scheme for off-line Oriya isolated handwritten numeral recognition is presented here. Oriya is a popular script in India. The scheme is mainly based on features obtained from water reservoir concept as well as topological and structural features of the numerals. Reservoir based features like number of reservoirs, their size, heights and positions, water flow direction, topological feature like number of loops, centre of gravity positions of loops, the ratio of reservoir/loop height to the numeral height, profile based features, features based on jump discontinuity etc. are some of the features used in the recognition scheme. The proposed scheme is tested on 3550 data collected from different individuals of various background and we obtained an overall recognition accuracy of about 97.74%.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
N. Tripathy, M. Panda, and U. Pal "System for Oriya handwritten numeral recognition", Proc. SPIE 5296, Document Recognition and Retrieval XI, (15 December 2003); Logo
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