10 November 2004 Improvement of unsupervised texture classification based on genetic algorithms
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Proceedings Volume 5573, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing X; (2004)
Event: Remote Sensing, 2004, Maspalomas, Canary Islands, Spain
At the previous conference, the authors are proposed a new unsupervised texture classification method based on the genetic algorithms (GA). In the method, the GA are employed to determine location and size of the typical textures in the target image. The proposed method consists of the following procedures: 1) the determination of the number of classification category; 2) each chromosome used in the GA consists of coordinates of center pixel of each training area candidate and those size; 3) 50 chromosomes are generated using random number; 4) fitness of each chromosome is calculated; the fitness is the product of the Classification Reliability in the Mixed Texture Cases (CRMTC) and the Stability of NZMV against Scanning Field of View Size (SNSFS); 5) in the selection operation in the GA, the elite preservation strategy is employed; 6) in the crossover operation, multi point crossover is employed and two parent chromosomes are selected by the roulette strategy; 7) in mutation operation, the locuses where the bit inverting occurs are decided by a mutation rate; 8) go to the procedure 4. However, this method has not been automated because it requires not only target image but also the number of categories for classification. In this paper, we describe some improvement for implementation of automated texture classification. Some experiments are conducted to evaluate classification capability of the proposed method by using images from Brodatz's photo album and actual airborne multispectral scanner. The experimental results show that the proposed method can select appropriate texture samples and can provide reasonable classification results.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hiroshi Okumura, Yuuki Togami, and Kohei Arai "Improvement of unsupervised texture classification based on genetic algorithms", Proc. SPIE 5573, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing X, (10 November 2004);
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Image classification

Genetic algorithms




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