20 April 2005 Small animal imaging using a flat panel detector-based cone beam computed tomography (FPD-CBCT) imaging system
David L. Conover, Ruola Ning, Yong Yu, Xianghua Lu, Ronald W. Wood, Jay E. Reeder, Aimee M. Johnson
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Flat panel detector-based cone beam CT (FPD-CBCT) imaging system prototypes have been constructed based on modified clinical CT scanners (a modified GE 8800 CT system and a modified GE HighSpeed Advantage (HSA) spiral CT system) each with a Varian PaxScan 2520 imager. The functions of the electromechanical and radiographic subsystems of the CT system were controlled through specially made hardware, software and data acquisition modules to perform animal cone beam CT studies. Small animal (mouse) imaging studies were performed to demonstrate the feasibility of an optimized CBCT imaging system to have the capability to perform longitudinal studies to monitor the progression of cancerous tumors or the efficacy of treatments. Radiographic parameters were optimized for fast (~10 second) scans of live mice to produce good reconstructed image quality with dose levels low enough to avoid any detectable radiation treatment to the animals. Specifically, organs in the pelvic region were clearly imaged and contrast studies showed the feasibility to visualize small vasculature and space-filling bladder tumors. In addition, prostate and mammary tumors were monitored in volume growth studies.
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David L. Conover, Ruola Ning, Yong Yu, Xianghua Lu, Ronald W. Wood, Jay E. Reeder, and Aimee M. Johnson "Small animal imaging using a flat panel detector-based cone beam computed tomography (FPD-CBCT) imaging system", Proc. SPIE 5745, Medical Imaging 2005: Physics of Medical Imaging, (20 April 2005); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Imaging systems

Computed tomography

Preclinical imaging


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