6 June 2005 Application of nanostructural materials in electro optical measuring sets of big powers based on usage of optical effects
Aidar I. Salihov, Anfar Z. Tljavlin, Salavat M. Kusimov
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Proceedings Volume 5854, Optical Technologies for Telecommunications; (2005)
Event: Optical Technologies for Telecommunications, 2004, Samara, Russian Federation
Optically transparent nanostructural materials show to themselves a heightened interest owing to display in them the new physic mechanical properties. Variation of structure of the materials received by methods of intensive plastic deformation, results in variation of many fundamental parameters. Among them special interest was caused with variations of fundamental magnetic characteristics. One of them is the magnetization of saturation, which is usually structurally tolerant, but reflects changes in an atomic-crystal structure of solids. Even in the first probing of the transparent nanostructures, received by intensive deformation by torsion of samples, was found that the magnetization of saturation was revealed at room temperature in comparison with coarse-grained samples. High-power measuring devices are based on Faraday effect, representing itself rotation of a plane of polarization of linearly polarized light in optical active substances under action of a magnetic field. Application of nanostructural materials in the optical insulator, which is the main part of the measuring device, allows improving the measuring characteristics of instruments qualitatively. Brought losses in Faraday cell make 0,35 -0,89 dB instead of 0,7 - I,2 dB, and value of the backward losses makes not less than 62 dB instead of 55 dB. Undoubtedly, improvement of the given parameters allows making the measuring operations with the greater accuracy, reducing both absolute, and relative errors.
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Aidar I. Salihov, Anfar Z. Tljavlin, and Salavat M. Kusimov "Application of nanostructural materials in electro optical measuring sets of big powers based on usage of optical effects", Proc. SPIE 5854, Optical Technologies for Telecommunications, (6 June 2005);
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