16 May 2006 Fast line-of-sight imagery for target and exhaust-plume signatures (FLITES) scene generation program
Dennis Crow, Charles Coker, Wayne Keen
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The Fast Line-of-sight Imagery for Target and Exhaust Signatures (FLITES) is an advanced scene generation program capable of producing high-fidelity synthetic signatures for Infrared (IR) applications. The signature methodology provides physically traceable solutions to compute hardbody and plume radiation. An exact approach to render pixel-accurate scenes is provided to guarantee the pixel intensities are not aliased regardless of scene size, orientation, and range between the viewer and scene object. The FLITES program architecture has been developed to provide an Application Programming Interface (API) suitable to allow direct linking to higher-level simulations. This architecture also supports distributed processing to allow the program to be executed on processor clusters. The program is written in C++ and provisions have been included to allow the important signature routines such as bi-directional reflection and plume radiance transport to be replaced with alternate, application-specific, approaches if required. FLITES principle advancement has been in the area of plume signatures from three-dimensional (3D) plume flowfields. This capability allows complex flowfields to be rendered by FLITES that include helicopter plumes, staging transients, asymmetric turbulent flowfields, and exhaust plumes from airborne objects operating at an angle-of-attack relative to the ambient air stream.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dennis Crow, Charles Coker, and Wayne Keen "Fast line-of-sight imagery for target and exhaust-plume signatures (FLITES) scene generation program", Proc. SPIE 6208, Technologies for Synthetic Environments: Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing XI, 62080J (16 May 2006); Logo
Cited by 9 scholarly publications.
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Infrared signatures


Computer architecture

Infrared imaging

Light sources


3D image processing

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