20 October 2006 Empirical OPC rule inference for rapid RET application
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A given technological node (45 nm, 65 nm) can be expected to process thousands of individual designs. Iterative methods applied at the node consume valuable days in determining proper placement of OPC features, and manufacturing and testing mask correspondence to wafer patterns in a trial-and-error fashion for each design. Repeating this fabrication process for each individual design is a time-consuming and expensive process. We present a novel technique which sidesteps the requirement to iterate through the model-based OPC analysis and pattern verification cycle on subsequent designs at the same node. Our approach relies on the inference of rules from a correct pattern at the wafer surface it relates to the OPC and pre-OPC pattern layout files. We begin with an offline phase where we obtain a "gold standard" design file that has been fab-tested at the node with a prepared, post-OPC layout file that corresponds to the intended on-wafer pattern. We then run an offline analysis to infer rules to be used in this method. During the analysis, our method implicitly identifies contextual OPC strategies for optimal placement of RET features on any design at that node. Using these strategies, we can apply OPC to subsequent designs at the same node with accuracy comparable to the original design file but significantly smaller expected runtimes. The technique promises to offer a rapid and accurate complement to existing RET application strategies.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Anand P. Kulkarni "Empirical OPC rule inference for rapid RET application", Proc. SPIE 6349, Photomask Technology 2006, 634926 (20 October 2006); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Optical proximity correction

Model-based design

Neural networks


Machine learning

Resolution enhancement technologies



Verifying RET mask layouts
Proceedings of SPIE (July 12 2002)
Programmable RET mask layout verification
Proceedings of SPIE (December 27 2002)
The rising cost and complexity of RETs
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