11 October 2006 Highway emission study by DOAS within the Inn valley near Innsbruck
Klaus Schäfer, Herbert Hoffmann, Stefan Emeis, Julia Wittig, Johannes Vergeiner
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To study the development of high air pollution episodes in a valley with urban areas, industry and transit traffic a highway emission study was performed in the Inn valley near Innsbruck, Austria. A DOAS consisting of a emitter/receiver unit and three retroreflectors was used for this study. One path was across the highway (120 m path length) in about 10 m altitude above highway level. Another path was set up in parallel to the highway and the third path was operated perpendicular to and away from the highway. The path across the highway was directly above the air pollution monitoring station Vomp which is only three meters away from the motorway. A measurement campaign was performed between October 2005 and February 2006 including an inter-comparison of the DOAS with in situ measurement devices for NO and NO2 during one week at a site (near Schwaz) in some distance to the main emission sources. The concentrations of NO and NO2 above the highway are clearly dominated by the traffic volume. Higher concentration values were found during week days than during the weekend. The concentrations above the highway are compared to those measured at the other DOAS paths. The daily differences in air pollution e.g. due to temporal variations of highway emissions (10 times higher during peak hours in the morning and afternoon compared to night hours) and meteorological conditions (wind directions) are investigated.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Klaus Schäfer, Herbert Hoffmann, Stefan Emeis, Julia Wittig, and Johannes Vergeiner "Highway emission study by DOAS within the Inn valley near Innsbruck", Proc. SPIE 6362, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI, 63621D (11 October 2006);
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