Open Access Paper
4 May 2007 Simulation of active and passive infrared images using the SE-WORKBENCH
Jean Latger, Thierry Cathala, Nicolas Douchin, Alain Le Goff
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The SE-WORKBENCH workshop, also called CHORALE ("simulated Optronic Acoustic Radar battlefield"), is used by the French MoD/DGA to perform multi-sensors simulations by creating virtual realistic multi spectral 3D scenes and then generating the signal received by a sensor. Taking advantage of developments made in the frame of Radar simulation, CHORALE is currently enhanced with new functionalities in order to tackle the "active" problem, involving new generation of infrared sensors such as laser radars. This article aims at presenting the challenges for simulating simultaneously passive IR imagery of a full terrain and active imagery especially on targets. We insist on duality and differences concerning in particular monochromatic/coherent waves versus incoherent waves, BRDF modeling taking into account surface roughness, polarization effects, Doppler effects. The SE-WORKBENCH implements the "Photon Map" method that enables to treat the "global illumination" paradigm, consisting of multiple reflections ray tracing effects combined with Monte-Carlo ray scattering. This approach is assessed in the frame of coherent illumination by laser. The constraint of the atmosphere propagation accurate dependence on wavelength is also studied. Special requirements for advanced systems such as flash laser systems or heterodyne infrared detectors are analyzed. Finally, modeling issues of the degradations introduced by atmospheric turbulence are discussed.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jean Latger, Thierry Cathala, Nicolas Douchin, and Alain Le Goff "Simulation of active and passive infrared images using the SE-WORKBENCH", Proc. SPIE 6543, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XVIII, 654302 (4 May 2007); Logo
Cited by 18 scholarly publications and 4 patents.
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Atmospheric modeling


3D modeling

Infrared imaging

Ray tracing

Bidirectional reflectance transmission function

Infrared sensors


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