3 May 2007 MEMS deformable mirror optical limiter for dynamic range compression deconvolution
Jed Khoury, Charles L. Woods, Bahareh Haji-saeed, Sandip K. Sengupta, William D. Goodhue, John Kierstead
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We propose dynamic range compression deconvolution by a new nonlinear optical limiter micro-electro-mechanical system (NOLMEMS) device. The NOLMEMS uses aperturized, reflected coherent light from optically addressed, parabolically deformable mirrors. The light is collimated by an array of micro-lenses. The reflected light saturates as a function of optical drive intensity. In this scheme, a joint image of the blurred input information and the blur impulse response is captured and sent to a spatial light modulator (SLM). The joint information on the SLM is read through a laser beam and is Fourier transformed by a lens to the back of the NOLMEMS device. The output from the NOLMEMS is Fourier transformed to produce the restored image. We derived the input-output nonlinear transfer function of our NOLMEMS device, which relates the transmitted light from the pinhole to the light intensity incident on the back side of the device, and exhibits saturation. We also analyzed the deconvolution orders for this device, using a nonlinear transform method. Computer simulation of image deconvolution by the NOLMEMS device is also presented.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jed Khoury, Charles L. Woods, Bahareh Haji-saeed, Sandip K. Sengupta, William D. Goodhue, and John Kierstead "MEMS deformable mirror optical limiter for dynamic range compression deconvolution", Proc. SPIE 6556, Micro (MEMS) and Nanotechnologies for Defense and Security, 65560B (3 May 2007);
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Image restoration

Microelectromechanical systems

Deformable mirrors

Image filtering

Spatial light modulators

Computer simulations

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