18 June 2007 Interference microscopes for tribology and corrosion quantification
Erik Novak, Tom Stout
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Interference microscopes remain one of the most accurate, repeatable, and versatile metrology systems for precision surface measurements. Such systems successfully measure material in both research labs and production lines in micro-optics, MEMS, data storage, medical device, and precision machining industries to sub-nanometer vertical resolution. Increasingly, however, these systems are finding uses outside of traditional surface-measurement applications, including film thickness determination, environmental responses of material, and determination of behavior under actuation. Most recently, these systems are enabling users to examine behavior of materials over varying time-scales as they are used in cutting or grinding operations or where the material is merely in continual contact with another such as in medical implants. In particular, quantification of wear of surfaces with varying coatings and under different conditions is of increasing value as tolerances decrease and consistency in final products is more valuable. Also, response of materials in corrosive environments allows users to quantify the gains of varying surface treatments against the cost of those treatments. Such quantification requires novel hardware and software for the system to ensure results are fast, accurate, and relevant. In this paper we explore three typical applications in tribology and corrosion. Deterioration of the cutting surfaces on a multi-blade razor is explored, with quantification of key surface features. Next, wear of several differently coated drill bits under similar use conditions is examined. Thirdly, in situ measurement of corrosion of several metal surfaces in harsh environmental conditions is performed. These case studies highlight how standard interference microscopes are evolving to serve novel industrial applications.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Erik Novak and Tom Stout "Interference microscopes for tribology and corrosion quantification", Proc. SPIE 6616, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection V, 66163B (18 June 2007); Logo
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