15 November 2007 Intensity-based correlation for heterogeneous images scene matching
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Proceedings Volume 6786, MIPPR 2007: Automatic Target Recognition and Image Analysis; and Multispectral Image Acquisition; 67863B (2007)
Event: International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2007, Wuhan, China
Downward looking scene matching is an important technique of the aircraft automation guidance. To solve the heterogeneous images scene matching problem, we present two effective methods based on intensity-based correlation in this paper. One is to search the real match position based on the feature of the peak on the correlation surface. We propose a criterion to search the proper matching. The other is to use a non-linear filter to pre-process the images, which reduces the influence of ambient lighting while keeping the necessary image details since the contour of the scene is the stable and unchanged feature. Also, we use a Fourier analysis to explain the contribution of different frequency spectrum in the correlation. By using this frequency information, we propose a simpler kernel filter method based on pre-process, which has the similar performance with non-linear filter pre-process but has less computation complexity. This simple kernel is more suitable for the embedded DSP real-time application.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sheng Zhong, Huimin Cao, and Tianxu Zhang "Intensity-based correlation for heterogeneous images scene matching", Proc. SPIE 6786, MIPPR 2007: Automatic Target Recognition and Image Analysis; and Multispectral Image Acquisition, 67863B (15 November 2007); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Image processing

Digital signal processing

Filtering (signal processing)

Nonlinear filtering

Signal processing

Edge detection

Image filtering


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