15 November 2007 IHS and support value integrated approach to improve pan-sharpening quality of QuickBird image
Sheng Zheng, Changcai Yang, Jinwen Tian
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Proceedings Volume 6787, MIPPR 2007: Multispectral Image Processing; 67870C (2007)
Event: International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2007, Wuhan, China
Image fusion is an important tool in remote sensing, since many Earth observation satellites provide both high-resolution panchromatic (Pan) and low-resolution multispectral (MS) images. To date, many image fusion techniques have been developed. However, the available algorithms can hardly produce a satisfactory fusion result for IKONOS and QuickBird images. Among the existing fusion algorithms, the IHS technique is the most widely used one, and the wavelet fusion is the most frequently discussed one in recent publications because of its advantages over other fusion techniques. But the color distortion of these two techniques is often obvious. The support value fusion technique demonstrates some advantages over the conventional methods. This study presents a new fusion approach that integrates the advantages of both the IHS and the support value techniques to reduce the color distortion of QuickBird fusion results. Different QuickBird images have been fused with this new approach. Visual and statistical analyses prove that the concept of the proposed extended fast IHS (eFIHS) and support value integration is promising, and it does significantly improve the fusion quality compared to conventional IHS (eFIHS) and wavelet fusion techniques.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sheng Zheng, Changcai Yang, and Jinwen Tian "IHS and support value integrated approach to improve pan-sharpening quality of QuickBird image", Proc. SPIE 6787, MIPPR 2007: Multispectral Image Processing, 67870C (15 November 2007);
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Image fusion

Image quality


Earth observing sensors


Multispectral imaging

High resolution satellite images

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