14 November 2007 Optical tomography with MRI anatomical information based on the transport equation
Jing Meng, Jiajun Wang, David Dagan Feng
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Proceedings Volume 6789, MIPPR 2007: Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization Techniques; 67890F (2007)
Event: International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2007, Wuhan, China
The main disadvantage of optical tomography is the low spatial resolution, in order to conquer it, a new combination reconstruction algorithm is proposed, where the MRI anatomical structural information is incorporated into the optical tomography based on the transport equation. In the process of reconstruction, the structural information from MRI is used to determine the initial distribution of optical properties and the specific steps are presented in detail. The Levenberg Marquardt algorithm is introduced to implement the optimized computation of the objective function, in which the values of hyper parameters are critical to the reconstructed results. In experiments, phantoms simulating the breast tissue are presented to verify this algorithm, and the corresponding images reconstructed by algorithms with and without MRI prior information are given. And then, the impacts of hyper parameters and the number of source-detector pairs on reconstructed results are discussed, and a few criteria are presented to evaluate the quality of reconstructed images. Finally, by the comparison of reconstructed results, it can be concluded that this new reconstruction algorithm with MRI prior information can achieve more accurate reconstructed results, improve the spatial resolution of images and the localization of abnormal region.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jing Meng, Jiajun Wang, and David Dagan Feng "Optical tomography with MRI anatomical information based on the transport equation", Proc. SPIE 6789, MIPPR 2007: Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization Techniques, 67890F (14 November 2007);
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Magnetic resonance imaging

Reconstruction algorithms


Optical tomography

Spatial resolution


Optical properties

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