8 February 2008 Comparison of the Lithoclast Ultra(R) and Cyberwand(R) in a cystolitholapaxy model
Michael K. Louie, Gregory Lowe, Bodo E. Knudsen
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The Lithoclast Ultra(R) combines ultrasonic and pneumatic lithotripsy with a single handpiece, while the Cyberwand(R) combines two concentric ultrasonic lithotrites. We tested each device in a cystolitholapaxy model. An ex vivo bladder model was constructed. The test stones used were the Bego and U-30. For the Lithoclast Ultra, 10 trials of each stone type were performed. The ultrasound was tested at 90% duty and 100% power and the pneumatic tested at 12Hz. For the Cyberwand, the 'Large' stone and 'Small' stone setting were tested. Twenty trials with the U-30 stone were performed at each setting. Only 1 Bego stone finished Cyberwand testing. The time to clear all stone fragments was recorded. For the U-30 stones, the total time to stone clearance was 127 seconds for the Lithoclast Ultra, 41 seconds for the Cyberwand (Large setting) (p=0.001), and 69 seconds for the Cyberwand (Small setting)(p=0.12). For the Bego stones, the time to 5mm fragments and the total time to stone clearance was 14 and 22 minutes for the Lithoclast Ultra. The Cyberwand probe failed repeatedly during Bego stone testing. Four probes were required to completely eliminate a single Bego stone. For the softer U-30 stones, the Cyberwand time to stone clearance was significantly faster than the Lithoclast Ultra (p<0.05). For the harder Bego stones, the Cyberwand was not able to complete the trial due to repeated probe failure, and was outperformed by the Lithoclast Ultra.
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Michael K. Louie, Gregory Lowe, and Bodo E. Knudsen "Comparison of the Lithoclast Ultra(R) and Cyberwand(R) in a cystolitholapaxy model", Proc. SPIE 6842, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics IV, 684215 (8 February 2008); Logo
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