12 March 2008 In vivo imaging of superficial femoral artery (SFA) stents for deformation analysis
A. Ganguly, A. Schneider, B. Keck, N. R. Bennett, R. Fahrig
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A high-resolution (198 μm) C-arm CT imaging system (Axiom Artis dTA, Siemens Medical Solutions, Forchheim, Germany) was optimized for imaging superficial femoral artery (SFA) stents in humans. The SFA is susceptible to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. These are typically treated with angioplasty and stent deployment. However, these stents can have a fracture rate as high as 35%. Fracture is usually accompanied by restenosis and reocclusion. The exact cause of breakage is unknown and is hypothesized to result from deforming forces due to hip and knee flexion. Imaging was performed with the leg placed in both straight and bent positions. Projection images obtained during 20 s scans with ~200° of rotation of the C-arm were back-projected to obtain 3D volumes. Using a semi-automatic software algorithm developed in-house, the stent centerlines were found and ellipses were fitted to the slice normals. Image quality was adequate for calculations in 11/13 subjects. Bending the leg was found to shorten the stents in 10/11 cases with the maximum change being 9% (12 mm in a 133 mm stent), and extend the stent in one case by 1.6%. The maximum eccentricity change was 36% with a bend angle of 72° in a case where the stent extended behind the knee.
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A. Ganguly, A. Schneider, B. Keck, N. R. Bennett, and R. Fahrig "In vivo imaging of superficial femoral artery (SFA) stents for deformation analysis", Proc. SPIE 6916, Medical Imaging 2008: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images, 69161Y (12 March 2008); Logo
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In vivo imaging


Imaging systems

Image filtering

Gaussian filters

Image segmentation

3D image processing

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