14 March 2008 Fabrication and test of nano crossbar switches/MOSFET hybrid circuits by imprinting lithography
Zhiyong Li, Xuema Li, Douglas A. A. Ohlberg, Joseph Straznicky, Wei Wu, Zhaoning Yu, Julien Borghetti, William Tong, Duncan Stewart, R. Stanley Williams
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An integrated circuit combining imprinted, nanoscale crossbar switches with metal-oxide field effect transistors (MOSFET) was fabricated and tested. Construction of the circuits began with fabrication of n-channel MOSFET devices on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates using CMOS compatible process techniques. To protect the FET devices as well as provide a flat surface for subsequent nanoimprint lithography, passivation and planarization layers were deposited. Crossbar junctions were then fabricated next to the FETs using imprint lithography to first define arrays of parallel nanowires over which, a switchable material layer was deposited. This was followed by a second imprint proces to construct another set of parallel wires on top of, and orthogonal to the first, to complete the nano-crossbar array with a half pitch (hp) of 50 nm. The switchable crossbar devices were then connected to the gate of the FETs and the resulting integrated circuit was tested using the FET as the output signal follower. This successful fabrication process serves as a proof-of-principle demonstration and a platform for advanced CMOS/nanoscale crossbar hybrid logic circuits.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhiyong Li, Xuema Li, Douglas A. A. Ohlberg, Joseph Straznicky, Wei Wu, Zhaoning Yu, Julien Borghetti, William Tong, Duncan Stewart, and R. Stanley Williams "Fabrication and test of nano crossbar switches/MOSFET hybrid circuits by imprinting lithography", Proc. SPIE 6921, Emerging Lithographic Technologies XII, 692108 (14 March 2008); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Field effect transistors

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