27 August 2008 Biomass burning emissions from satellite observations: synergistic use of formaldehyde (HCHO), fire counts, and surface temperature
Thierry Marbach, Steffen Beirle, Cheng Liu, Ulrich Platt, Thomas Wagner
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Satellite observations provide unique opportunities for the identification of trace gas sources on a global scale. We present case studies for the synergistic use of satellite observations by comparing formaldehyde (HCHO) time series with fire count measurements as well as with surface temperature to identify the tropospheric sources of HCHO. The fire counts and temperature are taken as proxy for biomass burning events and vegetation activity, respectively. Both are sources of HCHO, either direct or trough photochemical oxidation of non-methane hydrocarbons (e.g. biogenic isoprene emissions). Formaldehyde time series are derived from satellite observations made by the GOME instrument. This instrument provides almost 8 years of continuous HCHO global observations, which constitute an ideal case to calculate time series over specific regions for various trace gases. Nine regions have been selected to investigate the influence of fire counts (biomass burning proxy) and the temperature (vegetation activity proxy) on the HCHO tropospheric columns. The chosen time series has a length of 6 years (from July 1996 to June 2002). The results show that biogenic sources of HCHO are in many cases the strongest HCHO sources. For example over south east of the USA, the correlation with temperature was very high indicating a strong biogenic source of HCHO (through isoprene emissions). The biomass burning source typically shows more pronounced seasonal patterns or is even of sporadic nature. Over the Amazon region, the correlation with fires is high indicating that in this area most of the HCHO is caused by biomass burning. In several other regions for both sources moderate correlation coefficients were found.
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Thierry Marbach, Steffen Beirle, Cheng Liu, Ulrich Platt, and Thomas Wagner "Biomass burning emissions from satellite observations: synergistic use of formaldehyde (HCHO), fire counts, and surface temperature", Proc. SPIE 7089, Remote Sensing of Fire: Science and Application, 70890J (27 August 2008); Logo
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