26 January 2009 400mm aperture lidar system and its applications
Shaorong Xiao, Bo Zhang, Xiaoli Mao, Ji Zhao
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A lidar system was constructed to operate in the initiative state as well as passive state, with atmosphere component inspecting and elements of weather. The lidar system consists of laser transmit system, receiving telescope system, subsequence optics system, signals detecting and processing system. Tuned output laser from the system made up of SL-III-10-YAG laser and ND6000 tunable dye laser is employed as probing light beam. Its wavelength takes 270-900 nm. Optical axis of laser transmit system is in parallel with one of receiving telescope system. The telescope is made into Cassegrainian type, and efficient aperture is 400mm. Dispersion spot of the focus point is about 0.5mm. A spatial resolution of 3.0m was provided in the lidar system.
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Shaorong Xiao, Bo Zhang, Xiaoli Mao, and Ji Zhao "400mm aperture lidar system and its applications", Proc. SPIE 7156, 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Optoelectronic Instruments, 71560U (26 January 2009);
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Atmospheric optics



Atmospheric particles

Laser systems engineering

Pulsed laser operation

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