18 February 2009 QD VCSELs with InAs/InGaAs short period superlattice QW injector
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Structures with tunnel-coupled pairs consisting of InGaAs quantum wells (QWs) grown on top of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) were used previously as a gain medium for vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) to eliminate problems with QD-limited maximum saturated gain. Conventional molecular beam epitaxy of tunnel-coupled QDs with slow InAs growth rate and InGaAs solid solution QW injector with high InAs growth rate required a long delay in growth process for changing indium source temperature/flux. This leads to non-intentional doping of tunnel barrier and reproducibility issues. To overcome these problems, structures of tunnel-coupled QDs-QW pairs consisting of InAs/InGaAs short period superlattice (SPSL) QW injector with compatible slow InAs growth rate (QDs-SPSL) were developed and compared with traditional InAs-InGaAs (QDs-InGaAs). Photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence were used to study the properties of the "well-on-dots" active medium with InAs/InGaAs SPSL QW and with InGaAs QW. The optimized tunnel triple pair QDs-SPSL structure with 2x reduction of growth time has demonstrated a 2x enhanced PL efficiency as compared with traditional QDs-InGaAs structures. A novel tunnel-coupled triple QDs InAs-SPSL was successfully employed as a gain medium of VCSELs with doped all-epitaxial distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs). Room temperature CW lasing wavelengths in the range from 1100 nm to 1150 nm were measured in VCSELs with attuned DBRs. These QDs-SPSL VCSELs demonstrated minimum threshold current value Ith = 0.85 mA and maximum differential efficiency of 0.16 W/A.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, and S. Oktyabrsky "QD VCSELs with InAs/InGaAs short period superlattice QW injector", Proc. SPIE 7224, Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters VI, 72240T (18 February 2009);
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Quantum wells

Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers


Indium gallium arsenide

Indium arsenide




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