2 February 2009 Image registration for multi-exposed HDRI and motion deblurring
Seok Lee, Ho-Cheon Wey, Seong-Deok Lee
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Proceedings Volume 7246, Computational Imaging VII; 72460W (2009)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2009, San Jose, California, United States
In multi-exposure based image fusion task, alignment is an essential prerequisite to prevent ghost artifact after blending. Compared to usual matching problem, registration is more difficult when each image is captured under different photographing conditions. In HDR imaging, we use long and short exposure images, which have different brightness and there exist over/under satuated regions. In motion deblurring problem, we use blurred and noisy image pair and the amount of motion blur varies from one image to another due to the different exposure times. The main difficulty is that luminance levels of the two images are not in linear relationship and we cannot perfectly equalize or normalize the brightness of each image and this leads to unstable and inaccurate alignment results. To solve this problem, we applied probabilistic measure such as mutual information to represent similarity between images after alignment. In this paper, we discribed about the characteristics of multi-exposed input images in the aspect of registration and also analyzed the magnitude of camera hand shake. By exploiting the independence of luminance of mutual information, we proposed a fast and practically useful image registration technique in multiple capturing. Our algorithm can be applied to extreme HDR scenes and motion blurred scenes with over 90% success rate and its simplicity enables to be embedded in digital camera and mobile camera phone. The effectiveness of our registration algorithm is examined by various experiments on real HDR or motion deblurring cases using hand-held camera.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Seok Lee, Ho-Cheon Wey, and Seong-Deok Lee "Image registration for multi-exposed HDRI and motion deblurring", Proc. SPIE 7246, Computational Imaging VII, 72460W (2 February 2009); Logo
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High dynamic range imaging

Image registration


Image fusion

Motion estimation

Motion measurement


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