4 August 2009 The research of conformal optical design
Lin Li, Yan Li, Yi-fan Huang, Bao-lin Du
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Conformal optical domes are characterized as having external more elongated optical surfaces that are optimized to minimize drag, increased missile velocity and extended operational range. The outer surface of the conformal domes typically deviate greatly from spherical surface descriptions, so the inherent asymmetry of conformal surfaces leads to variations in the aberration content presented to the optical sensor as it is gimbaled across the field of regard, which degrades the sensor's ability to properly image targets of interest and then undermine the overall system performance. Consequently, the aerodynamic advantages of conformal domes cannot be realized in practical systems unless the dynamic aberration correction techniques are developed to restore adequate optical imaging capabilities. Up to now, many optical correction solutions have been researched in conformal optical design, including static aberrations corrections and dynamic aberrations corrections. There are three parts in this paper. Firstly, the combination of static and dynamic aberration correction is introduced. A system for correcting optical aberration created by a conformal dome has an outer surface and an inner surface. The optimization of the inner surface is regard as the static aberration correction; moreover, a deformable mirror is placed at the position of the secondary mirror in the two-mirror all reflective imaging system, which is the dynamic aberration correction. Secondly, the using of appropriate surface types is very important in conformal dome design. Better performing optical systems can result from surface types with adequate degrees of freedom to describe the proper corrector shape. Two surface types and the methods of using them are described, including Zernike polynomial surfaces used in correct elements and user-defined surfaces used in deformable mirror (DM). Finally, the Adaptive optics (AO) correction is presented. In order to correct the dynamical residual aberration in conformal optical design, the SPGD optimization algorithm is operated at each zoom position to calculate the optimized surface shape of the MEMS DM. The communication between MATLAB and Code V established via ActiveX technique is applied in simulation analysis.
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Lin Li, Yan Li, Yi-fan Huang, and Bao-lin Du "The research of conformal optical design", Proc. SPIE 7383, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2009: Advances in Infrared Imaging and Applications, 73833M (4 August 2009); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Aberration correction

Adaptive optics

Code v


Optical design

Zernike polynomials

Deformable mirrors


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