27 August 2010 Improvement and optimal design of RGB LED backlight unit using a genetic algorithm
Yi-Hua Fan, Ying-Tsun Lee, Yi-Lin Liao, Chung-Chin Fu
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To reduce the cost of LCD backlight unit (BLU) and raise efficiency, a direct LED BLU consisted of double-triangular structures was proposed to control the light from RGB side emitting LEDs. A genetic algorithm was used to search the optimal parameters of the shape of the double-triangular structures and the layout of the LEDs. A switch mode constant current control driver with a PWM controlled converter switch was used to maintaining the constant current output for the variable numbers of the LEDs in this paper. From the simulation results showed that without the diffuser, the brightness uniformity on the 25-point test was 93.44% for a 22" direct LED backlight unit with a thickness of 30mm with the optimized double-triangular structure. And the experiment result showed that the brightness uniformity and color uniformity were 85.61% and 0.021 for a small size test unit.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yi-Hua Fan, Ying-Tsun Lee, Yi-Lin Liao, and Chung-Chin Fu "Improvement and optimal design of RGB LED backlight unit using a genetic algorithm", Proc. SPIE 7787, Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XIII, 77870I (27 August 2010);
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Light emitting diodes

LED backlight


RGB color model


Genetic algorithms

Blue light emitting diodes


RGB LED with smart control in the backlight and lighting
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